
We are a young team and real Geeks !

We believe in the digital revolution. Our currencies are creativity and innovation.

We adopt our clients projects as if they were our own. We listen, understand and propose the best solution for your need. We take pleasure in knowing more about you and your business. our experts will direct you to the best path to follow.

We seek to differentiate ourselves in every developed website, mobile or digital marketing, while respecting your budget.
We are active on various platforms such as Sortlist, Clutch, Design Rush, Good Firms, La fabrique du net, Digitiz...

What do we do

We do not do anything special just what we love to do. We are a digital agency 360°. We listen, orient and assist our clients in the implementation and monitoring of their goals and objectives.

Why choose us

We try to stay on top of innovation. Our teams are well trained to provide effective solutions with high added value. The satisfaction of our customers is our mission.

Join our team

We are a dynamic team driven by passion for digital. We have significant competitive advantages including: Spirit Stat-IP, International Projects, Good atmosphere … To reach us send your applications to recruitment@uteek.net


« La collaboration avec Uteek fut d’un excellent niveau de professionnalisme. L’équipe a su montrer des capacités et expertises techniques répondant au plus hauts standards internationaux. Nous avons également été pleinement satisfaits par la dextérité des collaborateurs de Uteek et notamment au niveau du volet conseil à la clientèle et accompagnement stratégique pour toutes les activités online de notre entité. »

Maghreb Economic Forum(MEF)

« Thanks to the experience of the Uteek team we could conceptualise a very difficult idea- a story telling page about a whole country. The Local Libya project offers background infos, feature stories and images about all region of Libya, accessible via a map, a search function and according to the readers interest. Uteek contributed a lot of creative ideas to this complex story telling approach, without their experience in other interactive online work, we wouldn’t have gone so far. We are looking forward to continue our cooperation with Haikel, Ali and their team. »

Head of the Local Libya project

« Wir können die Zusammenarbeit mit Uteek uneingeschränkt weiterempfehlen. Das zeitgemäße Webdesign von Uteek wird höchsten Ansprüchen gerecht – gerade auch im Hinblick auf die Usability des Endprodukts. Bei der Zusammenarbeit mit Uteek hat uns besonders die Kommunikation überzeugt, auch komplexe Änderungswünsche wurden jederzeit schnell und zu unserer vollsten Zufriedenheit bearbeitet. Die Professionalität von Uteek ist beeindruckend. »
